What We Can Learn From Boostpal

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Boostpal.co.uk was a demand-site platform (DSP) that allowed buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad

exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface on a pay-per-impression model.

I bet you didn’t read that.. LOL. Boostpal was basically a platform where firms, media houses and bodies placed their video ads to reach a wide audience. Registered viewers on the website were paid a specified amount of money when they watched uploaded videos on the website.

A lot of Ghanaian youth felt it’s legit, even the I.T inclined. Users who had already cashed out some Cedis thought they were the next Warren buffet. Unfortunately, on Saturday, October 27, 2018, the well-known platform went offline, and hasn’t resurfaced since. Although, some websites have published that they’re working to expand their service and what have you, Boostpal has lost trust in the public domain.

Let’s take a look at Boostpal’s business scheme. I think we should have seen it coming. We just ignored the signs, in our quest to make easy money. In life, we have to understand one thing. There’s no shortcut to heaven, and there’s no easy way out. From time immemorial, it has been a tough task to make money. Legit ways of making money online mostly involves contributing something beneficial to society, and watching videos that you honestly don’t even care about doesn’t count.

The language of Boostpal indicated they weren’t such a serious company. Sometimes they made spelling errors. The tone of their language didn’t sound much professional. With the saturation of numerous monetization websites in the cyberspace, it has become necessary to have a physical evidence of the working space or headquarters of such businesses. We should see building(s), and be able to track it on Google Maps. Before subscribing to such schemes, there should be enough reviews from trusted technical resource personnel.

Lastly, every business in the end makes money. So we should question ourselves, ‘how will this business make money?’ If it’s not clear enough, let’s disregard it.

You would’ve thought in 2018, people couldn’t be taken for a ride with such schemes. But Boostpal has proved that mentality wrong. Stay woke!

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